Wan Roof theater - Sierra Leone

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Bringing back the theater in our lives...

Wan Roof Theater was formed in 2021 with the clear objective of presenting plays on a regular basis for the Sierra Leonean audience. Acknowledging that the theater scene has faded away with very few plays in the last decades, a team of volounteers have joined forces to change all that. Rather than a single production, our aim is to cultivate the environment and create the appetite and the expectations for a sustainable schedule of one (or even two!) plays per year. Although the challenges exist our team’s spirit is high and the input genuine and generous and we are optimistic that our efforts will ultimately bring the result. Follow our journey by supporting our plays’ productions as these will be announced in regular intervals.

Our next play...

After the "Line" (2022) and  "Poda Poda" (2023) our new production Fantasia is presented in June 2024.  Join the group for updates on venues and times.

the magic of the stage...

"Fantasia" performances 


June 15 (Hotel Barmoi) 6pm

June 22 (Hotel Swiss)   6pm

June 30 (Hotel Barmoi) 6pm


How to get involved

The first and foremost way is to support our performances by watching them and telling your friends about them. If you want to join our teams (either the support teams, or the performers) we would love to have you. Of course, for the performing team there will be auditions, scheduled and announced in regular intervals. But there is so much more you can contribute besides acting.

contact us at gd065@hotmail.com